I have seen my share of client-drafted wills. While most people opt to have a lawyer draft their last will and testament, there is no requirement that an attorney do so. If you do opt to draft your own will, make sure to avoid the following five mistakes that I repeatedly see in layman-drafted documents.
Dustin Hall |
If you’re a woman of the Sandwich Generation1, then you’re facing the challenge of managing your family, career, and the needs of your aging parents. First coined in 1981, the label ‘Sandwich Generation’ describes caregivers who are responsible for both children and elderly parents. About 60 percent of sandwich generation caregivers are women.2 This may be one reason why women of the sandwich generation exhibit the highest levels of stress among all demographics.3 If you’re in this situation, then you’re adjusting your goals, schedules, and finances now to care for your kids and parents, and possibly, your spouse in the future.
Unless you have accumulated substantial wealth where money is not a concern, you face a critical task when you reach retirement to make sure that your assets will support you through your lifetime.
The housing market is surprisingly strong right now. If your family needs more space, your options include remodeling your current home, building a new one, or buying one already on the market. Each alternative has its pros and cons.
Dustin Hall |
Do you find that happiness is hard to come by on some days? With all the challenges of the past year, it’s sometimes just easier to find imperfections in everything and let crankiness rule your day. However, if you want to boost your mood and positivity, here are three things you can do to help find your happy place. “There is no key to happiness; the door is always open.” – Mother Teresa
Dustin Hall |
There are important steps you can take to help your aging parents find living and health care assistance, as well as to secure financing for the cost of the care.